Where to start..... So much has gone on in the last three weeks that I was to busy to even think about getting on here! First and for most I am finally back up in Reno and back in school. So far I love my classes and Reno couldn't be any better. The most exciting part of being back up here is being all moved and settled in to my new apartment with my amazing roomies: Sherise, Lorin and Jessica! The weekend we moved up my mom took us grocery shopping an got us all set up. Having a kitchen and your own space is so nice, WAAAY better then the dorms. All summer us girls worked on buying stuff for our kitchen,thanks to our amazing friend Thomas we have a tv and dvd player, now all we need is stuff to put on the walls in the living room. We heard horrible stories from ppl about the highlands and why we shouldn't move there but honestly I couldn't be happier. New carpet, full furnished, the noise level on the weekends is totally tolerable, the shuttle to campus is really convenient and I have my best friends so what could go wrong?! I have a bunch of pictures of our apartment and my moms trip up here so I will pick and chose my favorites to put up for now.
Three of the most amazing women I know.
My mom, Grandma and Aunt Spring.
So there you have it!! My new home sweet home. Lorin and I do most the cooking but I don't mind at all. We all help clean up the kitchen and living room every night. On sunday I was so tired of working on hw that I took a break and made some blueberry muffins. Gotta love having a kitchen. My momma raised me well. I can cook, clean and survive on my own. Who would of thought.... not me that's for sure!!