Monday, September 13, 2010

Making an exercise plan, I think.

So lately it seems that everyone is blogging or talking about exercise and how much it has helped improve their lung function, and I decided it was time for me to get my butt in to shape... better yet my lungs!! For the past year or so my lungs have kinda been on a steady down climb. It is the same routine I get sick, do IV's my pfts pop back up but then a month or so later I start to feel sick again sooooo I figured I should start running and working my lungs out. So far I am thinking about going to the gym about 3 times a week for a couple weeks then maybe step it up a notch. I went today and felt so out of shape. Then my freaking toes cramped up and I couldn't stand on them anymore. Has anyone had that problem??? The gym here at my apartments is really nice. We have a pool to but it's slowly getting to cold to swim much.

Anyways that is the idea I have for getting my lungs back into shape and my numbers where they should be. I am up for any advice or tips that you have. I have never been one to work out so this is all new to me. I'm not ready to be sick and back home and I am not ready to even be at the point of thinking of a lung transplant but my numbers rang between the mid 50's to low 40's and I just want them stable again.

1 comment:

  1. Start slow, don't worry if it takes forever to get where you want to be, be okay with setbacks because you will have them, learn the difference between good pain and bad pain by listening to your body, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

    Good luck and Peaceful Things!
